We offer a different kind of environmental services, always adhering to the highest standards of quality and expert know-how.

Our services

Asbestos removal

We are specialists in the handling, removal, transport and temporary storage of asbestos.

Total management

  • Asbestos roofs

  • Asbestos pipes

  • Temporary storage

  • Collection and transport

Dismantling and cleaning up industrial buildings

We deal with dismantling, always maximising recovery and ensuring proper handling of waste.


  • Cleaning up sites and removing hazardous waste

  • Dismantling

  • Waste handling and recovery

  • Civil engineering undertaken

  • Industrial rubble and soil quality studies

  • Site refurbishment

We adhere to the highest environmental and quality standards


Our methods include quality as an essential component, proven by ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 environmental certification.

Torrelarragoiti Poligonoa 7, 7B partzela, C kalea, nave 8
48170 Zamudio, Bizkaia


(+34) 94 453 83 80